Maybe this is not real for everyone, but there is something special at looking at pictures, family albums. You can, up to a certain point, uncover the relationship between the object of the picture and the photographer by the way they are staring at the objective.
Todo o Nada is the exhibition that the Museum Thyssen Bonrnemisza does in Madrid to celebrate Mario Testino, the Peruvian photographer known as one of the main portrait artist in the last decades. After a über recognized photo shoot for Princess Diana, the pictures of Testino - before mainly celebrated in the realm of fashion - went global in a different way. He was not only a photographer of fashion but of character.
The exhibition - 54 large prints of portraits of ladies with either high fashion (TODO) or no clothes at all (NADA)- is a good choice of this kind of intimate vision of his subjects.
There are all time favorites specially in the nude section, where it seems like the most important part of the picture is not what they choose to show, but what they hide. The eyes of the models some how also translate the mood in which the shoot was taken - or trick you into believing you know.
It's a short but nice exhibit, with no-nonsense in the design. Everything should be as clean as possible to let the ladies talk from their pictures. It can be a good combination with the great selection of the museum, or just a nice ride into the realm of beauty.
(The minipicture is Natalia Vodianova, photographed by Mario Testino in Cannes in 2007. It is the main image of the exhibition)
Todo o Nada (21.9.2010 - 9.1.2011)
Museo Thyssen Bornemisza
Paseo del Prado, 8. Madrid
5€ only for this exhibition. 3.5€ for seniors, students and fine art teachers. 10/6€ for the exhibition + permanent collection.
Opening hours – Tuesdays through Sunday, 10:00 to 19:00 hours.